Applicants are invited for teaching positions at Pre-Nursery to STD-VII all subjects. For details, please visit the career page. Applicants are invited for a receptionist position. For details, please visit the career page.

As an Investor

Macro Investor

  Backbone for the financial contribution

  Will be a part of BoG of the society

  Minimum Contribution - 25L in five years starting 2021

Micro Investor

  Important for the expansion of the school

  Larger contributions are welcomed after confidence build-up

  General member of the society

  Minimum Contribution - 5L in five years starting 2021

Benefits for Investors

Monetary Benefits

  12.5% Return Subject to the success of the school

  Interest on investment will accumulate on equity till breakeven point

  Estimated locking period: 5-6 Years

  Preference to invest in the upcoming project

Non-Monetary Benefits

  Even after the payback of the entire invested amount, ownership will retain

  Can take the lead in opening a new school

  Securing the future of the next generation

  Post-retirement activities and security

  Social image