Applicants are invited for teaching positions at Pre-Nursery to STD-VII all subjects. For details, please visit the career page. Applicants are invited for a receptionist position. For details, please visit the career page.

I feel proud being the principal of Apna School Mohal the school that stands for deep commitment to ethical practices, quality and excellent service in the field of education. The school is a confluence of study (modern and moral), sport and symphony of culture.

Consider a caterpillar that goes into a cocoon. If we stayed there for ever, we would never see that beautiful butterfly emerge. We create high enthusiasm and develop the mental abilities of young generations so as to enable them to face the challenges of life. A team of erudite scholars strive to shape up students’ dreams and turn them to be best.

The value of education in the life of an individual is invaluable. It shapes individuals in their formative years and inculcates them with values in life. There is no end to education. The whole of life, from the moment we are born to the moment we die, is a process of learning. Knowledge is not progress; the values of life are more integral to the society than the knowledge.

For me education is not merely to make a living but to make young men and women of character, ability, and intellect, in possession of moral and ethical values with the ability to make balanced decision. Like a sculptor who makes sculptures, the educators guide our students in channelizing the resources to cherish their dreams thereby serving the nation.

Since the aim of education is the complete development of a child, moral development should also be given due care. As Sir Aurobindo says, “A moral education is the education of heart without which no individual can be completely human”. Indeed, our education should reflect our humanness and humanity.

My aim is not only to be an able administrator but also to be a friend and guide to students. My doors will always be open to the students and their parents for any suggestion or guidance.

I welcome you to Apna School. Let us all together regain our country's old status of Vishwa guru (विश्वगुरु).

Dr. S. Hota